McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Services

To ensure a free and appropriate public school education for homeless students, the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act is designed to remove barriers to education created by homelessness. 

Who is Eligible for Services?

Students who meet the federal definition of homelessness used by all public schools in the United States are eligible to receive services. The definition includes children and youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate overnight residence (at any time during the school year). Students may be found living in the following situations:

  • Living in a shelter, motel, vehicle, camper or campground.
  • Temporarily sharing the housing of friends or family (“doubled-up”) due to economic hardship.
  • Living on their own without a parent or guardian (unaccompanied youth).
  • Living in inadequate accommodations (lack of electricity, heat, plumbing or overcrowding).
  • Living in abandoned buildings or on the street.
  • Couch surfing or staying with friends.
  • Displaced due to natural disaster or fire.

Services Available

  • Assistance in maintaining school stability. 
  • Assistance with enrollment in school and transfer of student records. 
  • Assistance with full participation in school activities.
  • Assistance with school transportation.
  • College admissions support (registration, FAFSA, scholarships, etc.)
  • Clothing for school purposes. 
  • Free school breakfast and lunch. 
  • Liaison between family and school personnel.
  • Personal hygiene products. 
  • Referrals to community agencies. 
  • School Supplies and backpacks. 

How to Access Support

All school districts have a McKinney-Vento Liaison to support students who are experiencing housing instability.  Marty Guiney serves as the McKinney-Vento Liaison for students who attend North Ed special education programs and for children aged 0-3 who receive services through North Ed.  

If you are experiencing housing instability as defined above, reach out to your child’s North Ed program or contact Marty Guiney directly.  

Marty Guiney, North Ed McKinney-Vento Liaison
Phone: 231-922-6470