North Ed Foundation

Building Bridges
The North Ed Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. It was founded in 2023 to receive and distribute funds to support the needs of students served by Northwest Education Services, be they students at Career Tech or students receiving services through the system’s various Special Education programs.
Career Tech is a career and technical education center serving more than 20 independent, comprehensive high schools, and more than 1,200 juniors and seniors. The career and technical educational experience encompasses 22 programs using state-of-the-art technology, trained and experienced professional teachers, as well as embedded English and Math courses, using highly qualified teachers. Lastly, Career Tech takes great pride in cultivating and preparing juniors and seniors for job placement, postsecondary education or various other non-traditional pathways.
About 3,500 students receive Special Education support through Northwest Education Services. North Ed provides assessment, specialized consultation, direct services and center-based programming to enhance student growth and independence, and to facilitate the transition to postsecondary opportunities.
While northwest Michigan is rich in scenic beauty and natural resources, more than 40% of the students served by North Ed live in poverty. As these students work toward their dreams, they often face significant financial challenges.
The North Ed Foundation supports these students through three primary methods:
- Student Emergency Resource Fund (SERF) to support emergency needs while in school, including – but not limited to – food, clothing, assistive technology devices or basic medical care.
- Tools of the Trade Fund provides assistance to students going directly into the world of work.
- Scholarship Fund supports graduates attending post-secondary education.
Contact Us:
If you would like to support the North Ed Foundation with a monetary gift, see our Giving page or reach out to us with any questions you have.
Thank you to our incredible donors! With your support we are able to make incredible things happen for our students. Your contributions are truly changing lives and shaping futures.
Donor stories to come!