Student Services
North Ed Career Tech student services office provides basic information and supports the diverse personal and educational needs of each student. Staff is available to assist parents and students with attendance and discipline issues, student records, enrollment, and student data systems.
Administrative Assistants: The front line of our student services office, our administrative assistants can help students and parents with attendance, absences, early dismissal/late arrival, student data systems, and enrollment support.
School Counselors: The counselors provide personal, academic and career counseling for all Career Tech students. Counselors communicate with students, parents, staff and sending schools. They assist with reinforcing positive attendance patterns and appropriate program-related work habits. In addition, they provide information and career guidance to develop post-secondary programs of study.
Barry Bialik 231.922.6281
Karmin Olds 231.922.6278
Special Education Consultants: Special education consultants provide support for students receiving special education services while attending Career Tech. Our consultants act as liaisons between Career Tech staff, sending school staff, community agencies and parents. They work directly with students and provide support to guide success.
Jana Miseta 231.922.6381
Rachel Walmer 231.922.6478
Paraprofessionals: Paraprofessionals assist all students including those who qualify for special education services. They help deliver accommodations and specific lab skills, as well as reinforce appropriate program-related work habits.