English Learner Services
Northwest Education Services seeks to ensure English Learners have their educational and human needs met. Services span seven counties including Antrim, Benzie, Charlevoix, Emmet, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska, Leelanau and Manistee through a partnership with Char-Em and Manistee ISDs. We collaborate with 25 school districts and organizations across the region to provide students and families with a strong network of support.
Title III, Part A- English Language Acquisition Grant
English Learners (ELs) are students who speak a language other than English and have not met exit protocol requirements on the state English Proficiency test (WIDA). Title III funds are supplemental to the district’s required language assistance services and resources provided to ELs and their families. We currently use Title III funds to support teacher training/coaching, acquiring ESL endorsements, and Imagine Learning (supplemental online EL program). New districts interested in joining the ISD Consortium must demonstrate an established language assistance program from general funds.
FACT: Many foreign exchange students are considered English Learners