Early Childhood Great Start

Traverse Bay Logo_2014.03Great Start Collaborative

The Great Start Collaborative (GSC) of Traverse Bay is the region's early childhood initiative. Organizations such as the Traverse City Area Chamber Foundation and Northwest Education Services, as well as health care and education professionals, parents and caregivers, businesses, philanthropic and faith organizations work collaboratively to cultivate strong community resources that promote child development and well-being.

Learn more at www.greatstartkids.com

Great Start Parents and Great Start Collaborative aim to:

P - Provide opportunities for training & activities for parents/caregivers of children

A - Advocate for better early childhood services and systems

R - Recognize parents as their child's first and most important teacher

E - Empower parents to be leaders and advocates at home, work and in community

N - Network with other parents

T - Take time to learn about early childhood and parenting

S - Strengthen families

Great Start Parents

Great Start Parent is a volunteer network for parents and others who wish to support early childhood by working to ensure that all children enter kindergarten safe, healthy, and eager to succeed in school and life. 

For more information contact the Great Start Collaborative at 231.995.7114

View Great Start Calendar Events

Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP)

What is GSRP?

GSRP is Michigan’s state-funded Pre-K program. It serves children who meet income and/or other criteria in the year before they are eligible for kindergarten. All classrooms use a research-based curriculum and comprehensive child-assessment tool. Each classroom has a lead and associate teacher who meet credentials specified in the State School Aid Act. Parents are involved in the program in multiple ways. The program can operate in part-day and school-day options, either four or five days per week. More can be learned about program requirements at www.michigan.gov/gsrp

5 to One

In 2011, the Great Start Collaborative embarked on an evaluation 5 to ONE1of the region's early childhood system from a community-builder perspective. Our focus was informed by research showing that a strong and highly visible early childhood system plays a major role in economic prosperity and contributes to the vibrancy of communities. The evaluation identified barriers and disparities in access to programs and services for families throughout the rural Northern Michigan region. Our solution is a model system designed specifically for rural communities ~ a system designed and built based on parent input and family-level decision-making that strengthens families and delivers great results for children.

Learn more at 5 to One

The name 5 to ONE can mean different things to different people:

  • 5 years from birth to kindergarten
  • 5 counties connected
  • 5 strengths for thriving families
  • 5 steps to realize our vision

The priorities for 5 to ONE are:

  • Improved kindergarten readiness
  • Improved access to quality childcare and parenting education
  • Reduced incidence of child abuse and neglect